September 2024 Newsletter

Dear Mesa Arts Academy Community,

As the Charter Director, I am deeply honored to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all the parents, staff, students, Community Partners, and Alumni, both past and present, who have contributed to our incredible journey over the past 30 years. Your unwavering support, dedication, and passion have been the cornerstone of our success and growth. Together, we have fostered an environment that celebrates creativity, nurtures talent, and builds a strong sense of community. It is through your collective efforts that we continue to inspire and empower the next generation of artists and leaders.

Thank you for being an integral part of the Mesa Arts Academy family.

With deepest appreciation,

Joyce Oyer

Download September 2024 Newsletter from Our Principal (PDF)

April 2024 Newsletter

We have reached the countdown to our high stakes testing! All 3rd-8th grade students will participate in the computerized version of the AASA state assessment. Our 5th and 8th grade students will also take the computer version of the AZSCI Science assessment. We will start this process the first school day in April (Monday, April 1st) with a fabulously fun testing Pep Rally. The teachers will be performing. Teachers will need your support so that your children do as well as they possibly can on the tests. Please check the calendar and ensure that your children are in attendance and on time on the days they will be testing. Students who must do make-up testing do not do as well as those who test with their class. We will do our best to maintain a positive environment on campus during testing. You can help by getting them to school every day on time. Be sure they are well rested and have a positive attitude. They will have many additional breaks throughout the day and will have no homework during testing time. We will provide every student who is testing with a good breakfast and snacks. Teachers may ask you to help with this by providing donations of breakfast foods and snacks. Together we can turn this testing into a positive experience.

Remind your children that they are ready for these tests and that you have confidence in their abilities to do well. That is, perhaps, the best thing you can do for your children during this critical assessment time. We believe in them and so should you. Thank you so much for your support.

Download April 2024 Newsletter from Our Principal (PDF)

Boletín de Abril de la Director de la Escuela

¡Hemos llegado a la cuenta regresiva para nuestras pruebas de alto riesgo! Todos los estudiantes de 3.° a 8.° grado participarán en la versión computarizada de la evaluación estatal AASA. Nuestros estudiantes de quinto y octavo grado también tomarán la versión informática de la evaluación de ciencias AZSCI. Comenzaremos este proceso el primer día escolar de abril (lunes 1 de abril) con un Pep Rally de prueba fabulosamente divertido. Los profesores actuarán. Los profesores necesitarán su apoyo para que sus hijos obtengan los mejores resultados posibles en los exámenes. Consulte el calendario y asegúrese de que sus hijos asistan y sean puntuales los días en que realizarán los exámenes. Los estudiantes que deben tomar exámenes de recuperación no obtienen tan buenos resultados como aquellos que toman el examen con su clase. Haremos todo lo posible para mantener un ambiente positivo en el campus durante los exámenes. Usted puede ayudar llevándolos a la escuela a tiempo todos los días. Asegúrese de que estén bien descansados y que tengan una actitud positiva. Tendrán muchos descansos adicionales a lo largo del día y no tendrán tarea durante el tiempo de exámenes. Proporcionaremos a cada estudiante que esté examinando un buen desayuno y refrigerios. Los maestros pueden pedirle que ayude con esto proporcionando donaciones de alimentos para el desayuno y refrigerios. Juntos podemos convertir esta prueba en una experiencia positiva.

Recuérdeles a sus hijos que están listos para estas pruebas y que usted tiene confianza en sus habilidades para desempeñarse bien. Quizás esto sea lo mejor que puede hacer por sus hijos durante este momento crítico de evaluación. Creemos en ellos y usted también debería hacerlo. Muchas gracias por su apoyo.

Descargue el Boletín de Abril de 2024 del Director de la Escuela

Boletín de Marzo de la Director de la Escuela

Marzo es un gran mes en MAA. Nuestro jardín está listo para plantar y el clima es perfecto para aprender al aire libre. La temporada de pruebas ha comenzado; asegúrese de que su hijo descanse bien el día antes de los exámenes. Los maestros enviarán información sobre las pruebas pronto. El registro en línea está disponible a través de PrentVue y finaliza el 15 de marzo. Póngase en contacto con Jazmyne si necesita ayuda.

Padres de 8vo grado: Ahora es el momento de inscribirse en la escuela preparatoria. Muchas escuelas preparatorias de la zona ofrecen recorridos turísticos. Informe a la recepción si su hijo está fuera debido a un recorrido y no se contará como tarde. Si necesita ayuda para encontrar la escuela preparatoria adecuada, no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo.

Nos respetamos unos a otros. Ser respetuoso es más que simplemente tener buenos modales: significa tratar a las personas como usted quiere que lo traten a usted. Tenga en cuenta estas ideas para ayudar a toda su familia a centrarse en el respeto.

Utilice tonos pacíficos: es un hecho que gritar a menudo provoca más gritos. Pídale a su hijo que hable en un tono normal para mostrar respeto por la persona con la que está hablando y por todos los que lo rodean.

Evite hacer suposiciones. Su hijo puede respetar los sentimientos de los demás dándoles el beneficio de la duda. Por ejemplo, anime a su hijo a reformular una acusación como “; Quién se llevó mi botella de agua?” En lugar de eso, podrían preguntar: “¿Alguien ha visto mi botella de agua?” Eso es más respetuoso porque no hará que nadie se sienta acusado o a al defensiva.

Acepte opiniones diferentes: practique con su hijo formas de respetar las opiniones que son diferentes a las suyas. Podrían comenzar una oración con “Esa es una forma de verlo, pero creo…” o “Mucha gente estaría de acuerdo contigo. En mi opinión…” Si una conversación se vuelve acalorada, su hijo podría simplemente decir: “Aceptemos estar en desacuerdo y hablemos de otra cosa.”

¡Que tenga un marzo fantástico!

Descargue el Boletín de Marzo de 2024 del Director de la Escuela

March 2024 Newsletter

March is such a great month at MAA. Our Garden is ready for planting and the weather is perfect for outdoor learning. Testing season has begun; please be sure your child gets a good night’s rest the day before tests. Teachers will be sending out testing information soon. Online registration is available through PrentVue and ends 3/15. Contact Jazmyne if you need help.

8th Grade Parents: Now is the time to register for High School. Many High Schools in the area give tours. Let the front desk know if your child is out due to a tour and they will not be counted as late. If you need help finding the right High School, please feel free to contact me.

We Respect Each Other — Being respectful is more than just using good manners — it means treating people the way you want to be treated. Keep these ideas in mind to help your whole family focus on respect.

Use peaceful tones — It’s a fact that shouting often leads to more shouting. Ask your child to speak in a normal tone to show respect for the person they are talking to and for everyone around them.

Avoid making assumptions — Your youngster can respect others’ feelings by giving them the benefit of the doubt. For example, encourage your child to rephrase an accusation like, “Who took my water bottle?” Instead, they could ask, “Has anyone seen my water bottle?” That is more respectful because it won’t make anyone feel accused or defensive.

Accept different opinions — With your child, role-play ways to respect opinions that are different from their own. They might start a sentence with, “That’s one way to look at it, but I think–“or, “A lot of people would agree with you. In my opinion– ” If a conversation is getting heated, your child could simply say, “Let’s agree to disagree and talk about something else.”

Have a fantastic March!

Download March 2024 Newsletter from Our Principal (PDF)

February 2024 Newsletter

We hope that the new year has started off well for all of you. We are busy with learning and activities every day here at Mesa Arts Academy. Our focus remains to cultivate a positive climate and create the best learning environment possible. High quality instruction and student learning are our highest priorities.

Everything that we do at Mesa Arts Academy is designed to help students learn in all areas and be successful well beyond their time here. Once again, that partnership between school and home is a key ingredient for student success.

With that said, we hope that your students are feeling safe and supported.
This is an interesting time in their lives and development, and can be challenging at times. If you have questions and or concerns, we want to hear from you.

It is hard to believe that we have passed the halfway point of the year. Students are settled into routines and understand our school-wide expectations. Teachers have worked hard to create meaningful learning opportunities and teach school-wide behavior expectations. Consistency and predictability are key factors for student success, as well as a calm learning environment to better focus on learning.

A reminder about attendance: School begins at 7:30 am everyday. When your child is late, they miss valuable time with their classmates and teacher. Many teachers use this time for team and community building. After 7:45 am, parents are required to sign their child in at the front office.

We’re fortunate to work with your students everyday. Thank you for allowing us to play a role in their development. We are busy with learning and activities every day here at Mesa Arts Academy.

Download February 2024 Newsletter from Our Principal (PDF)